Et tanta stultitia mortalium est

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Willoughby, WA, United States

Monday, March 7, 2011

Apple Announces iPhone 20‏ "XX"

 Dateline, Cupertino, CA 

      Today a giant leap has been made. The Apple  iPhone 20 (or as it has been called, "XX") features: a 3-D screen, 1080P high definition video, surround sound,  advanced video projection with the ability to project an image in full sun light up to a 20 by 20 foot screen size, and a complete video game platform built in with all X-Box and PlayStation games.  In short: a Phone Entertainment Center.  

With this one phone, you can eliminate your TV, stereo system, gaming consoles... along with your lap top computer, of course.  The most exciting feature to me is Apple's "By-Language" application. One simply puts a blue-tooth earpiece on and whatever one says is translated into any language one wishes via the iPhone, eliminating the need to know any foreign language. What is said to you and what you say to others is always understood no matter your language. It's all so wonderful. Apple has done it again.

Unfortunately, Apple announced that they need to move from the current iPhone 4, to 5 to 6 and then eventually to 20. Therefore, it will take approximately eight years until the iPhone 20 is introduced into the marketplace. An Apple spokesman explained that the iPhone 20 is too much of a technology leap for many to understand and use. Therefore, consumers need to be taken in baby steps from the current model 4 to the model 20, upgrading their phone sixteen times. Then they will be ready.   We have to be thankful that Apple has such foresight. The gods of Apple are indeed wiser than we humans.   

In a related news-story, Google introduced a program called "Solve." By simply typing any question into it, Solve will solve it, ending all of humankind's misery. Its mighty power can solve anything from the cure to any disease to the meaning of life.  After meetings with Apple, Google has wisely decided that man is not yet ready for such a wonderful gift. Solve's launch date has been postponed from early 2012 to 2065 when humankind will be more mature.

1 comment:

  1. These are all hilarious, and I'm subscribing immediately.
