Today, The National Society for Sports Terms in Media, added a standardized refinement of a popular media measurement system. The system, simply called Length of a Football Field, is an easy system to explain the length or height of something to persons who cannot visualize something measured in feet or yards. For example, the height of the statue of liberty (305.5 feet) as explained in Sports Units, is just under one football field. The length of a football field unit is 360 feet. Therefore, using this unit of measurement causes an error of 54.5 feet. Many engineers in the US fear that this system combined with a lack of math and measurement skills could cause an engineering disaster in the future. If a building were to be built 'just under two football fields', what is the measurement for 'just under'?
Many answers to this problem have been explored. Units such as a football field and three quarters have been determined to be too complicated. To solve this, two more units of Sports Measure have been added. 'Basketball Court' which is a unit of 94 feet, and 'Tennis Court' which is a unit of 78 feet. Now, when we measure the Statue of Liberty, its length is just over four Tennis Courts. Rather than an error of 54.4 feet, the error is now 6.5 feet. The Government Division of Weights and Standards embraced this as a revolutionary idea in less inaccurate rules of measurement.
In other Sports Measurement news, the science community is asking for a smaller method of measurement to be used when precision is required. The units will be 'Tennis Ball', 'Baseball', 'Bowling Ball' and for even more refined measurement, 'Golf Ball' and 'Ping Pong Ball'.
With concepts such as these, America will always be the standard for the world.
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